Black Cohosh: A case of mistaken identity
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) What you see above is a picture of black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) that is growing in my garden. I've had...

Woodland Garden at Greenspring Herbs
It is spring here at Greenspring Herbs. The bird activity is nearly constant throughout the day, the tree frogs are singing at night, and...

It's Chickweed Time! 4 Recipes + Potential Use in Interstitial Cystitis
It is officially spring and among the many plants popping up in my garden, I've got a glorious patch of chickweek (Stellaria media). I'll...

Confused about Vitex and PCOS? You're not alone.
Part 1: Vitex and Luteinizing Hormone - The Shocking Truth! When I was first learning about herbal medicine, I learned that Vitex, also...

Easy Ashwagandha Tahini Balls - Just 3 Ingredients
There are tons of yummy recipes out there for herbal nutbutter balls. They will often have all kinds of wonderful ingredients, like...

I was a guest on the IC Wellness Podcast!
It is so exciting for me to share this interview! The IC Wellness Podcast has been one of my favorites since I discovered it earlier this...

Aquafaba Mayo!
I have a secret love of mayonnaise. There I said it! I know it isn’t that way for everyone, but there are some situations where a little...

Top 5 Herbs for Interstitial Cystitis (that you might not have tried)
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is not a one-size fits all condition. There are multiple underlying factors that may contribute to the...

Making Fresh Passionflower Tincture
I had been waiting for my passionflower plants to get big enough this summer so that I could make a new batch of tincture. After...

Passionate about Passionflower
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is one of my favorite plants and medicinal herbs. The plant I have growing in my garden was given to...